Medical Emergency Procedure

In the event of obvious, serious injury, illness or other medical condition:

  • If possible, quickly summon help from a nearby co-worker.
  • One person must immediately summon the Emergency Services (call 4141 on any internal phone) and a First Aider, while the other remains with the casualty.
  • If no help is available, immediately summon the Emergency Services yourself (call 4141 on any internal phone) and do as they instruct.
  • Make sure that the injured person suffers no further harm from the cause of the injury. Before you do this, check that the cause of the accident, for example electrical equipment or toxic materials, will not cause injury to yourself.

When calling 4141:

  • Clearly state that you require the Ambulance Service;
  • Give the precise location of the injured person;
  • Clearly state your name and telephone number;
  • Wait for confirmation that your message has been understood;
  • Send a colleague to meet the Ambulance at the building entrance and escort the paramedics to the casualty's exact location. If you are alone, briefly leave the casualty and meet the Ambulance yourself.