Fire Evacuations

Below are details of fire evacuations that have occurred within the School of Life Sciences in the current year. Details on events in previous years can be accessed via the links at the bottom of the page.

Date Time Building Floor Room No. Details / reason for activation
21/02/17 16:33 MSI 1 1L2-503 Residual dust from building work
06/03/17 16:30 MSI 1 1L2-501 Residual dust from building work
07/04/17 11:17 WTB-Link 2 2L3-113 Heat from drying oven
02/05/17 12:00 JBC G GL1-233 Electrical fault in CCTV system
05/05/17 12:35 WTB 4 4L6-40 Steam escaping from autoclave