Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (MRC-PPU)

We study how eukaryotic cell biology is shaped by protein phosphorylation and ubiquitylation. Driven by our curiosity and passion to understand living creatures, our work aims to change lives by helping to cure human disease.

On this page

The MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (PPU) is  a major research centre that focuses on the understanding of the biological roles of  phosphorylation and ubiquitylation and how disruption of these processes cause human diseases such as neurodegeneration, cancer, hypertension and immune disorders.

The ultimate goal of the Unit’s research programmes is to help develop new improved strategies to treat disease. The MRC-PPU operates as a focal point between life scientists, pharmaceutical companies and clinicians to ensure that we make a critical contribution to medical research, together reaching a deeper understanding of disease.


Portrait photograph of Dario Alessi
View Professor Dario Alessi


Science Director (MRC), Professor of Signal Transduction

Professor Alessi is a biochemical engineer whose research focuses on opening up our understanding of human health and disease. Much of his current work focuses on understanding a gene involved in Parkinson’s called LRRK2 and aims to exploit findings on this to develop improved ways to better diagnose and treat the disease.

+44 (0)1382 388058

General Manager

Academic staff

Independent Investigator


Key contacts

Name Role Email
Alison Hart Senior Administrator
Edwin Allen Lab Manager
Renata Soares  Mass Spectrometry Facilities Manager


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