Dr Edgar Huitema

Principal Investigator

Plant Sciences, School of Life Sciences

Edgar Huitema
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+44 (0)1382 385394


Huitema Lab


photo showing investigation of Phytophthora-host associations

Left panel: N. benthamiana leaf inoculated with P. capsici zoospores. P. capsici infection features an eerie biotrophic stage, tissue darkening and necrosis, tissue maceration and sporulation.

Right panel: Ectopic expression of pathogen genes in tobacco cells induces cell death. Secreted pathogen proteins target and modify host cellular components. Ectopic expression of such proteins often leads to phenotypic manifestations such as cell death, reflecting functional roles towards virulence.

For more information about the Huitema Lab, please visit our Group webpage.

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Media availability

I am available for media commentary on my research.

Mechanisms of virulence acquisition during Phytophthora-host associations

Contact Corporate Communications for media enquiries.

Areas of expertise

  • Climate change


Award Year
Major Personal Funding Awards / European Research Council Starting Grant 2012
Personal Fellowships / RSE Scottish Government Personal Research Fellowship 2009
