From the lab of  David M. J. Lilley

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If you have difficulty with java running the jmol applet you can add the Kink-turns in RNA website as a security exception (Windows):
1. Firstly ensure that you have the most recent version of java installed.
2. Click the start button, search for and open "Configure Java"
3. Click the security tab
4. Open "Edit site list ..."
5. Click add and enter ""
6. Click "Ok" twice to close the configure java menu
7. Restart your browser for the exception to take effect.

If you have any technical questions or accessibility issues with the website please use the contact form above.

Alternatively contact:

David Lilley
Nucleic Acid Structure Research Group
MSI/WTB Complex
University of Dundee
Dow Street
Dundee DD1 5EH
United Kingdom